Are you interested in learning about Voodoo? Or maybe you know a little about the Voodoo religion but want to learn more? Well Mambo Sam from Spellmaker has been offering free online educational classes about Voodoo and the Lwa. Her next class will be Thursday, August 27th at 6:30 p.m. Mountain Time (5:30 PM PT/7:30 PM CT/8:30 PM ET).
The class on August 27th is called, "Getting to know, communicate with, and learn about the Vodou spirits - Part Three."
In this class, you will learn some main attributes, offerings, communication skills, and general knowledge about communicating and working with the Lwa.
This class is great for both beginners and seasoned practitioners.
To register for this informative class, please click here to register.
If you were unable to attend the first class, you may view if for free right here!
If you would like to view the second class, please send an email to [email protected] and the link will be provided for you.
Love and Light,
Khouzhan Dedi