Yes, I’m on about Prince again. News stories say he most likely overdosed on painkillers. Strained from the extreme dance moves of his younger days, Prince danced on his own grave — but he did live a life of magnificent creativity and performance.
Years ago a co-worker told of her views on self-medicating, that she would not do it, not even aspirin. To me, there are times we need to help ourselves and have the means to do so immediately.
I found an article with a different point of view, that “difficult” patients had the best chance of success and survival. They meant people who did not simply cooperate with the doctor, but questioned everything. They come at their condition from a great deal of knowledge from various sources.
A friend of mine became gravely ill when her pharmacist gave her the wrong pills for her prescription. She told me that there are resources online where you can double check based on what they look like. Now that I know about that, I check it, too.
As with many things, there is a balance needed between trusting doctors, trusting your own gut, and the need to take care of yourself. If something does not feel right about treatment, you can get a second opinion. Many people have coping methods that are addictive, which can include drugs, alcohol, work, food, and sex. For most of these, we expect to have them in our lives.
People are different, including the amount of something it takes to cause damage, and tolerance of pain. Some of it can depend on how we were raised, some is genetic, and sometimes it’s the combination of diseases and environment that we’re in. What works for one person, even for the majority, fails for others.
My point with all of this is to ask that you be kind and forgiving when you hear what people are going through. Look up Spoon Theory to understand what they are living with. Don’t presume to “take over” the management of someone else’s condition, but assist when asked. I never liked to have my identity defined by whatever condition I had, when there was so much more about myself to share.
I do recommend the Healing Egg and also the Self Improvement Doll from Spellmaker. They are not a substitute for medical care, but can help in so many ways, including guiding to the best course of treatment or professionals who are good partners for healing.
Love, Khouzhan Lucy