February is often associated with Valentine’s Day, love, relationships and all that encompasses. But it is also a great time to spark it up between the sheets! Or wherever you might be when the opportunity presents itself.
Voodoo Sex Magick is the use of magickal objects to affect a relationship sexually. That is important to understand; affect a relationship sexually not lovingly. Love spell magick handles the love aspect of a relationship. Love is not the same thing as sex. It is important to understand the concept of sexual energy as all-encompassing and not just for individual satisfaction. It is the root of creation and thus a sacred energy to be respected.
Spellmaker offers two types of sex magick:
· Red Sex Magick: used to enhance, encourage, or develop a sexual relationship with someone you would like to be with by increasing sexual desire, commitment, and fulfillment. This will not force, trick, or hypnotize someone into having sex with you.
· Black Sex Magick: used for revenge or breaking up a sexual relationship of others only when justified to do so. If someone else is having sex with the person you’re with does that someone else knows about you and purposely hurting you? If so, then you’re justified. If not, then they are not purposely hurting you and revenge is not justified. Black Sex Magick can also be used to break up a sexual relationship without any harm to anyone. Remember, you are not a part of the equation during Black Sex Magick. If you want the person to come back to you, follow up with Red Sex Magick.
Understanding sex magick and the proper way it can be incorporated, can enhance your relationship and bring it to a new level. Please visit all the sex magick products at www.spellmaker.com/sexmagick.htm . Make sure you read the entire page to have a solid understanding and are able to choose the product that best suits you. Remember, you can always use the free confidential caseworker service by emailing [email protected]. They can assist you with recommendations based on your situation.
Peace & Love,
Khouzhan Tristan
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