After our spellwork is done and the Lwa have our petitions, we usually look for signs that our heart’s desire is on the way. One way signs are given, a very common way, to us is in our dreams. Sometimes the message is pretty straight forward, but sometimes we need to dig a little deeper into the dream. Here’s one fairly easy way to decipher the message we’ve been given:
1) Emotions – What are the emotions you felt when first woke up from the dream? Don’t look at the emotions IN the dream yet, just how you felt when you woke up.
2)Extraction & Action – look at what the theme of the dream was, not a summary of the dream but a generalization. Take out the symbols, emotions, etc. and look at the action of the dream. That will be the theme.
3) What does this dream refer to? – Take the generalization from step 2 and see which area of your life it may apply to.
4) Symbols Add Detail – Now look at the symbols and what they mean to you. Don’t use someone else’s dream dictionary unless you really have no feelings about that particular symbol at all.
5) Apply Insight – Take everything you’ve uncovered you far and put it together. Add the meanings of the symbols to the generalization and it should give you a situation. Apply the emotions to the situation and you should see what message has been given, what sign you’ve received.
You can ask for a sign to be given in your dreams as well; you don’t have to wait for one.
Love and Light,
Khouzhan Echo