We often think of ways to express our wishes to the Lwa so they will
best understand and help us. But what are you doing for the Lwa? We
can do things directly for them, and we can also offer actions to them.
Take the Marassa, for example, who are often served as children.
Similarly to the child aspect of Papa Legba, we can give them candy
and toys. Since the Marassa are twins, however, give them two of the
offering -- two plates of food or two toys.
Both the Marassa and Papa Legba have December 25th as a special day
for them, and Christmas is a time celebrated with feasts and gifts.
I'm not crazy about Christmas things starting already (sometimes as
early as October!), and I'm rather sad to hear about people cutting
their Thanksgiving short to go shopping. But, it does help to plan
ahead. There are lots of charities collecting now for poor children.
There are adults also lacking the most basic things a parent provides
for children, such as warm clothing and a good meal.
So, while you are putting together your altar for the Marassa for the
ritual on December 5th, see what you can contribute to shelters and
charities. Fire stations often sponsor toy drives, and grocery stores
will have donation boxes. Any amount helps.
If you are able to contribute, offer it up to the Marassa! We can
serve the Lwa with everyday actions. Talk to them as you work, and as
you serve the Lwa you open a path for them to help you.
Love Khouzhan Lucy
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