On Thursday, I honored Papa Legba and Saint Anthony. It was the feast day of Saint Anthony- and first of the free triple June rituals for Papa Legba that Spellmaker is doing. I listened to a hymn that honored Saint Anthony and sang along. Then I got a bit silly as I sang my "Papa Legba playlist"!
I won a raffle right after doing the ritual. It was definitely Papa Legba and Saint Anthony! It was a wonderful example of their power and sense of humor.
There is still time to send in your petition and participate in the other free rituals for Papa Legba this month. You can also honor him in our upcoming prayer ritual on June 27th!
And as a quick aside, Papa Alegba's Open Door Incense and Papa Alegba's Gatekey Oil are two of the best smelling things ever, not to mention powerful. :-)
Khouzhan Menfo