Hello my loves!
As some of you may know, I lost my Dad 3 years ago, due to an extremely unforeseen heart attack. Needless to say, no one was prepared for it, and losing him was very hard on my whole family. Being the youngest of 6, and the only girl, I don't think I really have to explain why I was such a Daddy's girl. My Dad would walk to the moon and back for me.
My Dad loved kids. Every time a new grandchild was born, he was over the moon. Right after he passed, my brother found out that he was going to be a Father for the first time. We all liked to think my Dad had a hand in this. Anyway, a daughter was born and they named her Autumn because she was born in September.
Autumn has never seen a picture of my Dad, nor has anyone told her about him. We figured since she was only about 2 at the time she would be way too young to understand. And then it happened. I was sitting in the kitchen at my brother's house talking to her. My brother was in the other room with his step son and they were putting together the video game table. Autumn was laughing and pointing and I asked her who she was laughing at, And clear as day she said "PAPA!" Papa is what all the grandchild called my Dad. My brother stepped out of the room and said "did she say what I think she just said?!" We were all pretty much in shock. A few months later, which would have been this past August, my Mom was finally ready to spread my Dad's ashes. We had a small family memorial service, followed by dinner at a restaurant. Since it was a beautiful day out, we decided to sit outside and eat, rather than wait in line to be indoors. As we are all eating and laughingand enjoying the company of each other, Autumn gets really serious and said "Papa's home." The 5 or 6 of us that were sitting at the end of the table with her just stopped mid bite and looked around. Then Autumn smiled and started eatting again. We told my Mom what happened. and she started to cry. Since then Autums is always talking about Papa. This past Christmas rolled around and Autumn goes to see Santa for the first time. As soon as she sees him, she starts yelling 'PAPA,PAPA,PAPA!!' Now, although she has never seen a picture of him, he was shorter, heavy, with a big white beard and a big hearty laugh. He was a little chubby jolly man...just like Santa would have been. Once I corrected her and told her 'no, honey, that is Santa,' but she corrected me and said "no, that Papa." So, Papa is here with us!
New Years Eve makes me a little sad. My Mom often worked the night shift, so growing up, it would be my Dad who would let me stay up late and watch the Ball drop. After I moved out and went to college, I could bet that on new years at midnight I'd get a call from him. But the past 3 years, when no calls has been really hard. While thinking about this last night, I get a call from my oldest brother. He shares the same name as my Dad, and after my Dad passed, he kept his cell phone number and voicemail. The voicemail was more so my mom could still hear his voice. Anyway, last night my brother told me that the stangest thing happened to him yesterday. He was working and missed the callon his phone. He saw he had a voicemail, and put in his password to listen to it. To his amazment, it was the voicemail message from his phone, that was really my Dad's voice. So when he listened, he heard "Hi, this is Paul..." Confused, he checked the missed call he had it from, and it was from a restricted number. It gave me chills when he told it, and chills now as I write it. I have no doubt my Dad is around me and my family, watching over us.
Love and Light,
Khouzhan Delilah
What a beautiful reminder of our Ancestor's presence, Khouzhan Delilah! Sending you love for this New Year and prayers for a beautiful and fulfilling year to come.
Khouzhan Veve
Posted by: Vevefleurettebeauchamp | 12/31/2010 at 04:53 PM
Wow, what a wonderful story. A few months ago, my boss told us a similar story... his granddaughter keeps seeing his father (who would be her great-grandfather, whom she never met) at the family vacation home. They say children are especially sensitive to the presence of spirits, and tales like this confirm it!
Posted by: Khouzhan Phoenix | 12/31/2010 at 05:59 PM