Happy Sunday everyone!:-)
I hope everyone has had a lovely and restful weekend! I have been focusing on getting organised for a trip to my hometown:-)
I just wanted to write a few lines about our upcoming online Ritual for Papa Legba. As we all know, June is his month! This is the perfect time to honour him and thank him for his presence in our life, or for taking the chance to get to know him if you haven't had the pleasure yet:-)
Papa Legba is the Gatekeeper, he is the one we call on to open the gate between our world and the spirit world to let us speak and petition to the Lwas. But he is also so much more than that, he can help you open doors, clear pathways, open up the lines of communication between you and others, help you to communicate better... and that is just a small example:-)
To me, he is my best friend, my guide and my comfort, he listens to me when I am sad, he laughts with me when I am having fun and he gives me sound advice/ guidance when I ask for it. I can't imagine life without him!
There is more to tell and in my next blog post I will share some personal experiences! In the meantime, if you have any Papa-stories to share, please do! :-)
Light and Love,
Khouzhan Sierra