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    Sister Bridget's Readings

    • Sister Bridget's Readings
      We are very pleased to offer the extraordinary opportunity to have a Tarot Card Reading with Mambo's daughter (Bridget took her first initiation with Mambo in October of 2007), staff card reader, and caseworker, Sister Bridget. Sister Bridget has special insights into the particular types of magick that we work with and is extremely gifted in her guidance using the ancient art of Tarot reading. To order a reading with Sister Bridget, please visit her webpage at

    June 17, 2012

    May 27, 2012

    May 11, 2012

    July 12, 2011

    June 14, 2011

    March 20, 2011

    March 13, 2011

    March 06, 2011

    February 23, 2011

    February 14, 2011