Our scent glands are very sensitive; we have the ability to smell fear and we can detect love and the sweet aroma of chocolate.
Our receptors can pick up this amazing aphrodisiac cocoa very easily. On the bachelorette last week, Des could smell chocolate four stories away. By the way she took those stairs way too fast, even for chocolate.
When you visit Hershey Park, the sweetest place on earth, the beautiful scent of chocolate is piped in.
For your own at home chocolate experience www.sheergoddess.com has Phraeda’s Triple Cream Chocolate Sundae Bath Bar. This can be used in the shower or bath every day. It contains pure olive oil and organic coconut oil. Both are wonderful moisturizers, and you can have the luscious sweet scent with you all day. Yum!!!
Buy the way these are great to put in your dressers and closets as potpourri.
Stay Sweet xoxo Ann