I'll admit, in the past I haven't been the most conscientious when caring for my makeup. However, I've realize that by taking the time to create conscientious habits regarding caring for and using my makeup that I will ensure I don't accidentally do harm to my complexion. Below are seven simple tips on how to maintain effective, germ-free makeup:
1. Wash Your Hands: This is the easiest thing you can do to ensure your cosmetics remain clean and germ-free.
2. Keep Everything Clean: Clean your brushes and sponges on a regular basis to keep germs from contaminating your cosmetics.
3. Retire Expired Products: Cosmetics have a limited lifespan so it is best to replace them regularly to keep your skin looking its best:
- Mascara: 3 months
- Foundation: 6-12 months
- Powder: 1-2 years
- Concealer: 1 year
- Eye Shadow/Eyeliner: 3 months
- Lipstick/Lip Gloss: 1 year
4. Be Aware of Temperature: Because humidity can cause microbial growth, makeup should be kept away from heat and stored in an area that is 85 degrees or below.
5. Sharpen Pencils: Sharpening pencils help carve away an contaminated surfaces.
6. Use Dry Makeup Brushes: Ensure your brushes are dry when you use them. Using wet makeup brushes can cause bacteria to grow.
7. Watch for Skin Irritations: If you experience any irritation (such as a cold sore or an eye infection) throw out any old cosmetics and stop wearing makeup until the irritation goes away. It's best to play it safe and discard products you've used within two weeks of discovering the infection.
By following these seven steps you'll be able to keep your makeup clean and germ-free!