Hello everyone! Well, it seems like Christmas just passed and we are talking about our annual Valentine's Day Ritual to Erzulie Freda! As the years have passed in doing this ritual, I find that I look forward to it more and more.
First off, there is the shopping for it! As many of you know, we are pretty firm believers in Dollar Store Voodoo, with all the shiny trinkets and doo-dads that can be used to make a great altar. Of course, we have many luxurious and special items for Erzulie Freda that we have collected over the years, but it is really a lot of fun to put together the Valentine's altar with, well, Valentine's goodies!
Second, I have noticed over the years how the petitions that people send in have evolved. In the beginning, the petitions seemed very cut-and-dried: " I love Fred (or Frederica), please let him/her love me." Those petitions have evolved into asking for love for everyone and all kinds of love - the love that peace would bring, love for children, charitable love, brotherly love, etc. Many have sent in petitions for those they knew were in different kinds of need. So petitions for healing love, financial love, and job love have abounded, too!
I certainly do not see anything wrong with that at all! Just the very word "love" encompasses such a rich variety of meanings from loving ice cream to loving our husbands, wives, children, parents, and everything beyond and in between! Looking at Valentine's Day as an opportunity to experience and share love of all kinds paints a beautiful broad spectrum of love that goes beyond paper hearts and yummy chocolates!
As we prepare for this coming Valentine's Ritual, I propose that we all see how creative we can get in our petitioning this year! What forms of love can you radiate, choose to spread, and make a wish about? Don't worry about sending in petitions that don't seem like the "norm!" There is NO norm when it comes to love - it is supposed to be open, crazy, fabulous, and it is supposed to mean whatever you personally want it to mean! So don't be stopped by what you think someone else thinks you should be petitioning! Send all your open-armed, open-minded, open-spirited petitions right on in! (See the link above!).
Love, light, and peace,
Mambo Samantha Corfield