Hello, everyone!
So, why IS your case so different? I get asked this question every now and again! Usually it because the case is taking a long time, or we have had to do a combination of things, or because we, frankly, aren't seeing any results. People read testimonials of other clients and wonder why they aren't seeing those kinds of results for themselves!
A very dear and sweet client has just recently asked me the very same thing! Why, out of thousands of cases over the last 20 years of Spellmaker, is hers so different that we aren't really seeing any results?
My first answer to that is often, "...yet." :-) One of the first answers is time - as much as I would love to force everyone to immediately respond to my spell work, I know why that is a very bad idea. Hollywood will explain to you why forcing spell work is a bad idea. Of course, they will give you a highly-dramatized reason as to why, but you get the idea. Forcing with spell work=nothing good for you! So sometimes the answer is just time... it isn't that you aren't going to see results, we just haven't seen them yet.
Second, and this is a hard one, I see more and more that people are dealing with various mental and emotional disorders. This is very different than about 12 years ago; I am not sure why. But, I see it a lot more now than I did in the past. Is it diet? Food? Vitamin deficiencies? Chemicals? Media stimuli? Pollution? Heck if I know, but know I see many, many more people who are being worked on with spell work coming up with various disorders. Sometimes my client is able to tell me that, yes, they know the person has something and is being treated. But a lot of times they don't know. Long story short: It is sometimes difficult to get spell work results with someone who is dealing with a psychological disorder of some kind. Now, I am saying difficult, NOT impossible. It is just that I am finding more and more that it makes it a much longer and difficult haul! However, the rewards of getting success in these cases are immense! Often it means that we have done healing work that focused on the person getting the help they needed and that is exactly what happened! Once the proper help was in place, voilĂ , we saw our results!
I think this second one is one of the most difficult ones simply because there is such a process between feeling like someone doesn't love you and realizing that it is more that they have a disorder. It is hard for us to process that information objectively because we are feeling hurt, abandoned, and, often, angry. Then, I will come along and tell you to "play nice" because spell work is in play! I know! Frustrating! But, rest assured, even though sometimes it takes a lot of hard work and time, we do get results despite peoples' disorders. Not always! But, yes, sometime we do!
Third, your case is complicated by multiple people, places, and things! I find this is a rather new development as well. I feel that as we are more and more bombarded with media, stimuli, opinions, Fox News(!), and such, the harder it is to get someone to focus on us the way we want them to! This is a 21st century challenge to spell work! And, again, I feel like it slows spell work results down to a crawl sometimes! We are jumping up and down with candles and incense screaming, "Hey, look over here... someone loves you!" This rather new challenge to spell work also adds another layer to why your case is so different, though it is becoming more the norm than a case being different!
Fourth, and as always, there is the sad truth that sometimes things just don't work out. It isn't your fault. It isn't our fault. It isn't, in fact, anyone's "fault." There are times in life when so-called failures are our destiny. Even with our best efforts and yours, failure IS an option. Believe me, I am all about positive thinking and believing in one's self and efforts. But the cold hard truth is failure is always an option. But in those cases, I often do not see it as failure. We learned something along the way. We grew. We became friends. We walk away knowing that we tried our very best. Those are the things no one can take away from us. While that may seem like hollow comfort, believe me, when you look back, even if we supposedly "failed" you will see that the path of good spell work always has a reward.
Still despite the idea of failure, we still have about an 87-90% success rate! And that's an honest assessment (not one of those stupid, " we have 100% success rate" deals - believe me, no one has a 100% success rate!).
If you are in the category of waiting for results and feeling disheartened, I would be willing to bet that unless you are in a very small percentage of folks, you just haven't seen your results....yet!
Love, peace, and joy,
Mambo Sam