As I find myself busy with thoughts of the holidays, I somehow keep coming back upon this article I wrote a couple years back. That means someone, out there right now needs to see this! So, as I am off to peel some potatoes, I offer you this read :-)
Are You in Love and Angry?
Greetings everyone! As you all know, of course, working with clients who are doing our love spells gives me a great opportunity to be privileged enough to see the inner workings of many, many relationships. One thing that I see a LOT of are people who are actually very angry with the person upon whom they are doing love spell work!! :-)
Now believe me I am not saying that their anger is unwarranted! Quite often they have been dumped in a very unceremonious way, getting hurt, remaining hurt, feeling no resolution for their hurt. Of course they are angry! Many times they are in contact with this person and still get hurt by them and thus the anger grows. But here they are trying to do love spell work which by its very nature requires that you approach it from a standpoint of unconditional and pure love! How on earth does one resolve that?
Many people have chosen to do white candle magick kits and the Milk of Damballah(tm) white bath to help them release and remove the anger so that they may continue on with their love spell work feeling cleansed of that anger. But what about that underlying, I-have-tried-and-I-just-can't-get-rid-of-this anger? You probably know and feel deep down inside that the anger your are feeling towards the person you are doing love spell work on is somehow degrading that very work! In fact, sometimes it gets so bad in people that they get on an endless cycle of being angry with their HD (Heart's Desire) and then being angry with themselves for being angry with their HD and then being angry that they are angry!
Sometimes this can just go on and on especially if they are in contact with the HD who continues to needle them with either a new relationship, or continued criticism, or other negative behaviors. Just because you love them doesn't mean you are not affected by their negative behaviors! Your resentment of these behaviors can have a definite negative effect on your love spell work!
If you feel you are in this situation then I do encourage you to acknowledge what is happening and then take as many measures as necessary to help alleviate as much of the anger as you can. Look, we are human, and most of us are not Mother Teresa, so you can only do the best you can! The abovementioned white candle magick and Milk of Damballah white bath are definitely the standard tools for removing negativity and certainly do work for quite a number of people. The Pink Bubble Meditation is helpful to use to release that anger and send it away from you!
Another choice is doing the Baron's Purple Bath. One of the many uses of the Baron's Purple Bath is to take negative things away and bury them! Along with that, you can ask that your own love for this person be resurrected to its full feeling once that anger is taken and buried away. In this way, you will again have the FULL POWER of your love to put into your spell work. Remember, the great and powerful Baron Samedi is not just the lwa of death, but of life - burying and resurrecting are his forte'. Asking him to bury your anger, hurt, and resentment and replace them with fresh and invigorated love, forgiveness, and positivity is sure to not only make you feel better, but to strengthen the power of your love spell work!
Love, Mambo Sam