Hello everyone! Some recent events have made me think about a subject that often comes up - the perfect man or woman! Many clients have searched and searched for the perfect person and found that they came up short. Upon speaking with them I find that their list of desires for a mate is quite extensive and detailed. I don't really object to that; you want what you want! However, the flaw in it is that I see how a lot of great potential mates could be overlooked.
Also, what about time, age, illness, etc.? What happens when Mr. or Ms. Perfect isn't so perfect anymore? It reminded me of a post from Parran Matt a few years ago and I wanted to repost it here!
"Hi everyone! Mambo and I watched a movie the other night titled, "Defiance." Have you seen this movie? It is a powerful film about the human spirit, survival, and love. It is also a true story. If you have not seen it, I highly recommend it.
One thing among many that really struck me was the love story component to this story. I don't really want to give the story away, but love grew in probably the most adverse conditions that one could experience. It would seem that love, romantic love, would have been the last thing on peoples' minds in these conditions. But it existed. Not only did the love exist, it grew, thrived, and lasted for many years between some of the couples.
It got me to thinking - are some people lazy about love? If everything isn't perfect, the perfect man or woman, the perfect restaurant date, the perfect flowers and gifts, then does it mean the love is lessened? I think a good question to ask is can you love under adverse conditions? What happens when the "perfect" man or woman becomes less than perfect due to some terrible circumstance? Do you walk away, or do you still see the perfection under the circumstance?
So much emphasis is put on what someone you love has to be - what he or she has to do, give, become - that I cannot help but wonder if some people are just soft and lazy where love is concerned. To watch this movie and see these people falling in love under horrific circumstances was just mind blowing. On the other hand, I suppose that under horrific circumstances would be a great place to bond, share the fear and horror with someone.
Anyway, if you want to see what I am talking about, watch the film!"
I have to say it was a great movie! And everyone should ask themselves the question Parran asked above, "Can you love under adverse conditions?"
Love, Mambo Samantha Corfield