Hello everyone! I know we have talked about this subject before, but I thought it was worth revisiting. All the time in readings I get asked the question, "Is s/he worth me doing (or continuing to do) love spell work on?"
Generally speaking, I don't have an answer for that because I think that only you can tell if someone is worth your time, trouble, money, and energy. That is what I usually tell you - "You tell me if s/he is worth it!" Some of you laugh, some of you get angry with me, and some of you find your thoughts provoked!
In all fairness, some things that I can tell you is whether or not I think the person you are working on or considering working on is an inherently bad or good person. (And, yes, I think some people ARE inherently bad and no amount of healing or goodie-two-shoes work on them is going to make them a good person!) I can tell you if I feel any love for you there. I can tell you if there intentions are good or bad towards you. However, even knowing those things from me, only you can tell me if it is worth it.
But what factors might come into figuring out if it is worth it? Here is an excerpt from an article by Daniel Harken:
End of Article
So, as we can see, there are a lot of factors in the decision of whether a relationship is worth continuing or pursuing. But I do want to bring up one last thing that I feel is of the utmost importance - you must always feel right about what you are doing. Listen to your inner voice, your gut, whatever you want to call it. No matter what anyone else says, if you feel right about the relationship, and you are being safe, then no one should be able to talk you out of going forward (or not) but you! :-) Your friends, family, myself, and anyone else you talk to may have a valuable opinion. However, in the end, your happiness in your life, and the pursuit thereof is your choice to make. Other people in your life may not see what you see in a person - that is fine, as long as you are true to yourself about what you see.
Love, light, and peace,
Mambo Samantha Corfield, www.spellmaker.com