Hello everyone! We are at the half way point in our series on making healthy decisions! I forgot to mention in the beginning that these things should be done in order! Ask the questions in the order in which they are presented. For instance, today's question:
What Would my Grandmother
(or mother, father, Jesus, Buddha, the Lwa, whomever's philosophy your admire) Do?
Thinking of a role model, whether a great spiritual teacher, admired friend or family member, spiritual person, etc., is like having a mentor on-call. Ask yourself what this person would do if facing the same situation. You should use someone whose philosophies are well known to you and are admired by you. This is not to offset your own opinion or philosophy but rather to put things in perspective by looking at another point of view, one you have admired.
This is not to go get another opinion, this is more to see what your decision would like if shaped around an admired philosophy. The decision might not be exactly right for you configured within those parameters, however, it will give you another perspective to consider. This question should be asked after you have established the prior points in this exercise. You must first consider your own feelings and thoughts before putting someone else's spin on your decision! :-)
Love, light, and peace,
Mambo Samantha Corfield, www.spellmaker.com