Papa Legba Month - 2011 :-)
Happy Monday everyone! A very special day today! Of course we begin our amazing triple rituals to Papa Legba today AND a very happy birthday to my son, Ira. :-) I just don't know how the heck he got to be 39 when I am only 35! LOL LOL LOL Seriously, a wonderful day all around.
I hope you have all sent in your letters to be included in the free rituals. If not, it is not too late, just visit the Papa Alegba Page and visit the link to send in your letter.
Now we all know that Papa is there to open doors for us, smooth the path, and in general make things easier. Remember though that you can be quite creative in what you are asking. Papa is the great interpreter. He speaks and understands all languages. A very good petition to him is to make yourself and your intentions understood. This might be in a love case, but it could be for anything. Perhaps you are having trouble understanding your teenage children and they you. Remember Papa works BOTH ways - to help you be understood, but also to help you understand.
Many times during spell work we forget to ask for ourselves to understand what is happening and why. Most often we forget to try to understand what role we play or played in what is happening to us! Without self-awareness most things are doomed to failure. Ask Papa to help you understand what your role is in whatever situation you find yourself in. I am not saying that you should assign the "blame" for things onto yourself. However, we can easily get wrapped up in what we want someone else to do and forget that there are things that we, too, need to do to improve the situation.
Many times people visualize Papa has their grandfather or trusted uncle or elder male confidante. I think all of these are wonderful visualizations. Talk to him! Have a cup of coffee and a little treat with him (yes, a little treat for you, too!). Ask him for the awareness that you need to truly see your situation and to understand and be understood. Most all situations are a two-way street, though we generally tend to get wrapped up in only one way - the way that gets us what we want. Or so we think! Learning both sides of the street is a sure path to success.
Have a great day everyone!
Love, light, and peace,
Mambo Samantha Corfield,
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