Hi everyone! I am sure that some of you remember my post from 2007 about the Chinese Harvest Moon Ritual!
It is almost time for that festival to be celebrated all over the world again - September 22, 2010 is the date that the festival falls on this year.
The link above will take you to the page where I explained the festival and one of the intriguing aspects of the harvest moon ritual - single ladies looking for the right man to be brought to them! :-)
It is such a fun and beautiful legend. It is a wonderful time, also, to honor our dear Erzulie Freda and you can do her ritual pack, or any of our other products dedicated to her, in conjunction with doing the harvest moon ritual!
If nothing else, please do click on my link to read about the Chinese Harvest Moon Ritual because it is such a beautiful and fascinating tradition!
Love, light, and peace,
Mambo Samantha Corfield