Heed the still small voice that so seldom leads us wrong, and never into folly.
Marquise du Deffand
Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you have a wonderful weekend planned!
I wanted to talk just a moment about guidance. People are always asking me about getting guidance from the lwa, or other spirits, and we have discussed that and will discuss it further in a different post.
However, one thing that people seem to forget about is their inner guidance, their gut, their instincts. So many times folks have told me that they "knew" they were doing the wrong thing, or that something wasn't right for them, but they just ignored their instincts and went head long into disaster.
Learning to trust your very own guidance and instincts is such an important task! It may not be easy, and sometimes you may just feel like you are paranoid. You may feel that you are just making up a feeling because you are afraid. All of that may actually be true at one time or another. But how many times have you said to yourself after the fact that you should have followed your own instincts?
In my opinion, the best way to learn to trust your own instincts is to practice it! Surprise, just like everything else, right? :-) But practice it in a certain way! Try using your instincts or inner guidance at times when it doesn't matter so much. Think about things you are about to do and see how you feel about them. It could be something as simple as taking a walk or choosing a restaurant. Stop just for a minute and truly examine how you feel inside about your choice. Most of the time, when it is something simple like that, you will feel just fine about it, as you should. But what you are truly doing here is honing your skills at figuring out how to listen to your own instincts. In choosing to do exercises like this when it doesn't count so much, you will start to build those skills you need to make the right choices when it really does count!
Start practicing listening to that still, small voice inside. Best thing, it is always, always, always there just for you! Your Inner Buddy! :-)
Love, light, and peace,
Mambo Samantha Corfield