Good morning everyone! I woke up this morning smiling over the thought of what a happy hive we have here at! :-) I just want to say some thank you's out there to all the folks that make things happen here.
First off, Parran Matt! Thank you so much for all that you do to keep the Spellmaker office running smoothly! From making product to filling orders to just general every day stuff - you are the man and I love you for it and so much MORE! :-)
To our daughters: Sister Bridget and Sister Candelaria I cannot say enough about the efforts of these two women to help out wherever possible, and do whatever we ask without question to help the spiritual paths of themselves and others. They are truly gems.
To our caseworkers: God bless each and every one of you! Our confidential caseworker program is something very unique to Spellmaker. Every client who desires to have someone on board to help them is welcome to choose or have assigned a confidential caseworker to them! These very special folks are there to hold hands, make recommendations, offer solace, and in general take care of their clients. Each of them has a unique talent for what they do!
Unfortunately, caseworkers are often met with a lot of negativity and blame as oftentimes sad and angry people lash out at them as the nearest post of whipping. Frankly, sometimes our caseworkers take a beating! But each of them continues on, understanding that their clients are often hurt, afraid, and lonely and that is the reason for them taking the blame for things they had no control over. Let's face it, very few people whose lives are going great need a caseworker! The very need for a caseworker assumes that you are having some challenges in your life!
It would behoove people to remember that caseworkers volunteered for their job and accept no pay for what they do. It is part of their service to this House and Les Lois! Thank you, thank you, thank you to those of you who continue to do casework and reach out and help others even in the face of their sometimes seeming ungratefulness!
To tech support: Thank you so much for all the questions you answer and your tireless good cheer in doing so!
To Darla: My grandson's mom,and my dear friend, Darla, has been helping us with the phone. God bless her good cheer and constant great attitude towards clients! Thank you so much, Darla!
To Khouzhan Sierra: Thank you for undertaking the reimplementing of the birthday certificate program! It is a huge job and thank you so much for seeing it through!
To the Novitiates: Some of you are caseworkers, some of you are Prayer Group Leaders, technical support, writers, bloggers, plus many more unseen workers! :-) Those of you who have undertaken your service are doing a wonderful job! Prayer Group Leaders, Caseworkers, tech support, and the Class Secretary - please accept my thanks for your continued service. The others, please also accept my thanks for all that you are doing and will do in the future. You are a great group of students and spiritual novitiates! I appreciate the efforts of all of you who are working towards your goals and ours!
To whomever I forgot to mention: I love you and appreciate you, but if I forgot to mention you, it is just that I haven't had my two cups of coffee yet! LOL.
It is great to be here in The Happy Hive with each and every one of you!
If one of these wonderful people has helped you, please give them a shout out!
Love, light, and peace,
Mambo Samantha Corfield