Happy Monday! While I am still working on the comparative religion project (and thank you all for your suggestions), I did want to mention that the time to make your Love Potion #9 is fast upon us!
This year will be a particularly wonderful year for making this potion because it will be made on 09/09/09 this year! :-) Of course that gives us the triple threat, right? ;-)
For some reason, there always seem to be some confusion on when the "ninth hour" of the day is - even though I have it printed on the instructions that the ninth hour of ANY day is 9:00 a.m., not 9:00 p.m. - so the potion is supposed to be made at 9:00 a.m.
Because this is such a special year for making the potion, if there is enough interest, we will make a big batch here at Spellmaker and make it available for purchase, if folks wnat it. Obviously, 09/09/09 isn't going to be around again, so we are in a position to make a very strong batch of this potion! Usually we do not make here for sale at the Spellmaker office, but because of the special date, we will make it this time if people are interested.
If there is enough interest and we do make the batch, we will make a big batch and then consecrate the bottles individually for those who want to purchase it. We would probably make it available in about an 8 ounce container - so that would be more than enough for personal usage.
So, if you think you might interested in purchasing a container from us and/or you cannot make your own for any reason, please email us at [email protected] and let us know. If there is enough interest, we will definitely do it!
In the meantime, check out the Spellmaker Forum for the recipe or click the link above for the recipe for making your own Love Potion #9!
Love, light, and peace,
Mambo Samantha Corfield