Hello everyone and Happy Birthday, BCM, (you know who you are!),
Several years ago, before Matt and I got married, I met his niece for the first time. She was pretty young then, I think 5 years old. As luck would have it, she had just finished watching an infomercial for The Magic Bullet. I am sure most of you know what that is, but in case you don't, it is a small mixer/food processor type thingy - you know chops, whips, blends, all of that.
Anyway, she was enchanted with this machine and proceeded to tell me all about it, in great detail, and why I NEEDED it. She did not tell me why I should want it, or even how much fun it would be, or anything like that. She explained to me (she is very smart) why I needed it. In fact, she told me several times within the conversation, you need one. Everyone needs one. You need it for your kitchen, etc.
Well, I have a Magic Bullet, thanks in total to her, and use it all the time. LOL. By the time she finished convincing me, I thoroughly believed I needed it. I use it all the time and maybe I didn't actually need but I really enjoy it and am glad I have it.
I was telling this story of why I got the Magic Bullet to someone recently. As I was telling this person it occurred to me that this would be a great way to petition in some love spell cases! Convince them that they NEED you; sell all your good points and how wonderfully fun and beneficial they are. ;-) Petitioning in such a way to tell a person why they need you in their life might, in some cases, be more effective than telling them why they want you in their life. It depends a lot on the kind of person that you are working on!
This might be especially true if the person you are working on is a practical person. The kind of petitioning that reminds them that they need you in their life, just as you need them, might be just the trick!
So next time you are petitioning with your spell kits or adjunct work, "magic bullet" those petitions and let's see what happens!
Love, light, and peace,
Mambo Sam