Happy Monday! For those of you having a long weekend, I hope you are doing something fun and relaxing.
Today I am writing about a concern I have for so many of you. I am not sure how to really approach this subject because it is going to sound like I am fussing at some of you and that is not my intention. All I (and our staff) want to do is help you! But I am genuinely concerned at how many of you recently simply will not accept the help, will not take the suggestions and guidance offered to you, and completely refuse to do anything to help yourself.
I don't know if there is something in the water or what, but despite the best efforts of myself, caseworkers, chat operators, office staff, etc., there seems to be quite a group of you out there right now who insist on continuing to be in abject misery while your spell castings are going on or while you are in your waiting period.
Interestingly, this is not those of you who have long term cases! These are some of you who are either in the middle of spell work or are just a couple of months into a waiting period. BUT you have been mostly that way since the beginning of your spell work, hardly ever having been willing to take a positive attitude, do anything to remove the negativity from yourself, and you spend hours obsessing and crying and generally freaking out over your case.
No matter how much we tell you that you are pouring the wrong energy into your case, you refuse to listen. So let me say this: We are worried about you. You are turning your spell work in the opposite direction of where you want it to go. You are creating your own negative outcome. :-( It is painful to watch you. It is painful to see you spend time, money, and effort on something only to directly sabotage it.
Frankly, I am reduced to begging you to please stop being so negative. Please do something to relieve some of your misergy! Pray the prayers of your religion, do some white candle magick on yourself, take a white bath, watch a funny movie, compartmentalize your grief (allow yourself an hour to be dramatically grieving and then go do something else), help someone else who is worse off than you (the best medicine ever for making yourself feel better), etc. Please, all I am asking you to do is TRY. No one is going to be positive 100% of the time. We are all going to have bad days and times when we just feel hopeless. But some of you are letting that hopelessness rule your life. It will ruin you. It will ruin your spell work.
Your caseworker is happy to help you work through some strategies to make you feel better. However, many of them are reporting to me that certain people just refuse to be helped. :-( You may not believe this, but it hurts us to see you this way. We actually do care what happens to you. We do all of this because we care. However, you have to care about you, too. Like I said, I am reduced to begging you: Please let us help you to help yourself.
Love and prayers for all of you,
Mambo Samantha Corfield