Hello everyone! As most of you have probably noticed, we are working on revamping the old forum into our new Spellmaker Information Board.
After much deliberation with my family and staff, there seemed to be a general consensus that keeping the forum, but turning it into much more of an informational type of resource was the way for us to go. Although my original intention was for the board to represent an uplifting and spiritual community, it just did not seem to serve that function. Instead, it seemed to me (and the many clients who have written to me) to have begun to serve the function of having a few people who were down in the dumps work hard to drag everyone else down there with them. The deleterious effect on spell work from that kind of negativity is monumental!
Additionally, no matter how many different resources I try, nor how much I pay for web board services, there always seems to be a way for hackers to get in and get people's email addresses. So again we were faced with certain members getting ugly, threatening, manipulative, and coercive emails. :-( For the life of me, I do not know why people insist on doing this, but definitely the phrase "misery loves company" leaps to mind.
The other problem that I found dramatically disturbing is the amount of bad advice clients give each other! Some clients who feel that they have a higher understanding of how the products work actually have NO such special knowledge and we have had to spend a great deal of time fixing the problems that occur from clients taking advice from other clients.
We have superior customer service and clients do not need to advise each other! In fact, many cases have been set back greatly by listening to, "my friend from the forum." The reason we have caseworker support, technical support, phone support, and online chat support is so that you can get the correct information, not supposition from the proliferation of "hey I have used a candle magick kit and know everything" clients who give out erroneous information.
So, for the good of everyone, we will continue to have the forum, but it will be an informational forum. The great thing about it is that we will continue to add information there and it will be a great resource for those needing information about products, service to Les Lois, New Orleans Voodoo, and much more over time. It will all be there in one nice compact place and that will be awesome.
We also will still continue to answer questions that we feel would benefit the Spellmaker community as a whole. When you visit the board now, please read the first section about how to use the board. In there it will give you information on where to send your questions that you would like to see the answers to posted on the board. If we feel that your question is of benefit to the majority, then the question and answer will be posted on the forum.
I hope you all enjoy the new format and keep on the look out for more information to be posted there.
Love, Mambo Sam