Greetings, everyone! Right on the heels of St. Patrick's Day is a day that doesn't receive quite as much recognition in most circles! It is St. Joseph's Day and it is always celebrated on March 19.
In Vodou/Voodoo, St. Joseph is syncretized with the powerful and wise lwa Papa Loko. Papa Loko is the giver of the asson (sacred rattle used by Mambos and Houngans) in the ritual of initiation. Papa Loko is considered the father of all Vodou houses and is known to be the first Houngan.
Papa Loko is also a healer and often gives herbal cures and medicinal root work knowledge to Houngans and Mambos. This knowledge, especially in Haiti is used to help the Mambo or Houngan to offer medical help to members of the house. Of course this practice isn't as widespread in the United States, but in Haiti, the head of a Vodou house often turns to Papa Loko to cure both serious and simple illnesses.
Of all the Saint syncretizations, I think that the altars built to St. Joseph most closely resemble Vodou! As you can see from this picture, the altars are extremely elaborate! And as Vodouisants, I am sure you are going, "wow, that is some Voodoo altar!!"
Building these altars has a rich tradition, especially in New Orleans history. St. Joseph altars begin to be built several days ahead of time and are just beautiful. Almost all of the food is given to the poor after the altar is torn down.
The tradition of these altars originated in Sicily where St. Joseph was petitioned during a drought and famine. The drought and famine broke and the people rejoiced and promised to always help feed the less fortunate. As Vodouisants, we also take the opportunity of this day to do something for those less fortunate and dedicate it to both St. Joseph and Papa Loko!!
Here is a link to a great article to read more about St. Joseph Day and how it is traditionally celebrated. If you are not familiar with it, it is a fascinating read! (The author even mentions the Vodou connection!)
Louisiana Project - St. Joseph's Day Altars
This is a really cool link! It is a virtual St. Joseph's Altar. They even have a place for you to make a virtual offering to the altar!! (The altar might be closed today because the Vatican actually moved the feast day this year because of the way Holy Week fell on the Christian calendear, but normally this would be the feast day and, in my opinion, still is!) ;-)
Honoring Papa Loko: Obviously, for Vodouisants, St. Joseph Day is also an honor to Papa Loko. Papa Loko is most often honored by Houngans and Mambos and there are even some schools of thought that if you are not a priest or priestess, you might not want to serve him as he reserves most of his guidance for them. However, I do not feel there is any reason for non-initiates NOT to honor Papa Loko! He may guide you towards initiation or have other important guidance for you.
His colors are yellow, white, and green. You may serve him with almost any herb or leafy plant (think about serving him a green salad) and fresh water. I have also found him to be fond of those green herbal drinks and green tea!
It is a tradition in New Orleans Voodoo that if you want to know someone's secrets you take a small cloth bag, put some leaves in it that you are offering to Papa Loko (especially if you have built him a small altar and are doing service to him - take some of the leaves that you offered on the altar and put them in the small cloth bag). Now write the person's name on a piece of paper nine times. Fold it up and put it in the bag. Take the bag and hang it in a tree where it is least likely to be disturbed for 99 days. During those 99 days, that person's secrets are said to be all revealed to you. The bag should continue to hang in the tree until it is destroyed by nature or disintegrates from age. :-)
Love, Mambo Sam