Hello everyone! A very lovely client mentioned to me that she just noticed that my posts were open for "comments." She pointed out that it is very subtle (the link underneath that says Comments) and she missed it for several days. At her suggestion, I am doing a post to say that, yes, my blog, and I believe everyone else's, is open for comments!
You have to register to comment, but it is free to do so and confidential. And we do moderate comments so they do have to be approved. Mainly I am doing this because it has become really popular for people to surf the net looking for female bloggers and then putting sexually explicit comments on their blogs. What the heck??????????? I do have to often wonder, don't people have anything better to do than that??
Anyway, yes, of course, we all want to hear your comments and feedback on the subjects about which we blog.
Love to all, Mambo