Happy Sunday, everyone. The new work week is upon us and a lot of us are scurrying around doing laundry, figuring out what's for dinner, what will we wear to work this week, and looking at how long our "to do" list still is. Trust me, I am in the same boat and it make me think of how many opportunities we may overlook to "start fresh."
Most of the time when we think of "starting fresh" we think of that as something big; that we are going to wipe the slate clean and start over on some part of our lives. We who are doing magickal work might do something like the <a href="http://www.spellmaker.com/cleanseyou.htm">Milk of Damballah white bath</A> to cleanse ourselves of negativity or do some other kind of cleansing ritual. That is great and works wonderfully for those traumatic negativity build ups we all get.
However, can we start fresh every month, every week, every day? What about throughout the day? Is it possible to get a fresh start after lunch and let the morning fade away to be replaced by renewed energy and optimism? We can! Sure, it will take some effort and you have to remember to stop and take a moment to recharge those batteries, but it can be done. Have you ever taken a three minute vacation? ;-) I highly recommend it as a way to constantly renew and rejuvenate your energy. Give it a try. (You really can do it in three minutes even though it takes a little prep which is cheating a little on the three minute time limit. LOL.)
Mambo Sam's Three Minute Vacation: Find a place to be alone for three minutes. It can even be the restroom where you work. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply, stretch a little. Don't bind yourself up - let your limbs be loose and free. Come to an understanding with yourself that the last week, day, month, or hours have already passed and you cannot change what happened within them. For this, use whatever affirmations or way of thinking that you are comfortable with. If you think of this ahead of time, you will find a way of doing this that works for you. It might be as simple as just saying to yourself, "last week has passed and I acknowledge that I cannot change anything that happened then." So just briefly put yourself into that position of acceptance. (Don't dwell on the things that happened. Believe me, you know them all too well. )
Now smile. Really smile - a big grin. If you are in an environment where others can't hear you and question what you are doing, then laugh outloud! A big belly laugh. Keep smiling, laughing and giggling if you can. Use this time to release any negativity that you feel, literally laugh it away. Yes, I know this sounds oversimplistic, but remember, this is the Three Minute Vacation, we are just using this exercise to help us recharge for the short term. Obviously, heavier negativities need more long term help. For this exercise, we are simply giving ourselves a quick recharge. So laugh that negativity, fear, exhaustion, and hurt away for a minute! Researchers have proven that laughing releases endorphins - those happy peptides that keep us feeling good!
Then, take some more deep breaths and affirm to yourself your qualities of strength, love, power, and energy. If you want to really boost this three minute vacation, have something sweet. It can be small - just a Life Saver(tm) or some other piece of hard candy. It doesn't have to wreck your diet! Sweets also release endorphins in our body (which is why some of us crave them) and having something sweet right as you are doing a positive exercise as above really ups the endorphin level.
Now, as you return to your daily activities, give yourself another smile and the knowledge that you are capable, beautiful, strong, and very, very smart because you just took a Three Minute Vacation!
Have a great Sunday afternoon!