Hi There!
Along with being an Initiated Daughter of Marran Samantha Corfield and Parran Matthew Corfield in New Orleans Voodoo, I am also have been studying and practicing Reiki for many years. I am a Reiki Master and Teacher of both Usui-Tibetan and Karuna Reiki. If you would like to read more about Reiki, I have several articles posted here on my blog.
To submit a request, simply send me an email at [email protected] with your name and/or the name of the person (or animal- I love to work with pets as well!) you are requesting healing for. Every day, I will spend some time sending Reiki to everyone on the list.
Requests will be "cleaned out" on the first of each month unless you request otherwise. You are welcome to resubmit your request for as many months as you wish.
If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask.
Newly added to the Spellmaker.com arsenal of healing power offered is our Free Group Prayer Rituals. Check them out! You are welcome to join us in prayer or simply send in your request by email. Please see http://www.spellmaker.com/prayer.htm for details.
Also, please remember that Sister Candelaria's prayer list and Mambo Sam's Metaphysical Healing list are available for healing requests as well. Each method is different, each is powerful. If you or a loved one is in need, please do not hesitate to send in your requests.
Light and Love and In Service,
Sister Bridget