Sister Bridget, as an initiated Priestess of Ogoun, is now offering services to create, consecrate, and burn a voodoo lamp to Ogoun on your behalf! We realize that most people do not know a lot about Voodoo lamps, but these particular types of lamps are considered a very meaningful and important type of service to offer to the lwa.
Voodoo oil lamps are steeped in rich history and ritual originating in Africa, traveling to the United States, Haiti, and other countries. It is considered a great honor and an extraordinary offering to the lwa (Voodoo spirits) to burn a lamp on their behalf and ask for their favor on a particular matter in return. These lamps are not your every day "oil lamps." These are lamps that are ritually composed and burned on your behalf. Do you feel like a matter in your life is "steeped in darkness?" Is there something you cannot see the solution to or feel like you are in the dark about? Is the answer to your happiness hidden from you? The Voodoo Ritual Lamp is meant to shine the light on your goal and light the path for you to obtain that which you desire. Sister Bridget's Voodoo Lamps are a very unique combination of a ritual to Ogoun and a fire offering to Ogoun. Ogoun then takes this fire and applies it to whatever you have requested through Sister Bridget. This is truly an amazing thing because you are literally feeding fire to Ogoun and asking him to take that energy into your goal!
Voodoo Priestesses and Priests are trained in the art and ritual of the Voodoo Lamp. This is something that only an initiate can truly do properly and effectively, though, of course, anyone could burn an oil lamp in honor of a lwa! But if you want the true and authentic lamp of a Priestess done for you, this is Sister Bridget's speciality.
Also, Sister Bridget is proud to offer a unique Lamp Ritual to the Power Couple Ogoun and Erzulie Freda! Harness the powerful love between these two great spirits, and infuse it into your situation.
Each ritual is customized just for you and the lamps are burned for each individual for any request that you desire. When Sister Bridget has completed your lamp ritual and burning, she will then send you a complete report on your ritual as well as a picture of your lamp ritual, some of the oil and herbs used in your lamp, and instructions on how to use them to further empower the ritual on your end. In this way, although you are not required to build and burn a ritual lamp, you still are able to put some of your own energy into your goal.
Once you order your personal lamp ritual, Sister Bridget will contact you to discuss what your goals are for the burning of the lamp. All petitions can be made for personal empowerment, love, luck, money, banishing, or other custom needs you might have.
For an extra special value, you may also order a 15 minute tarot reading to be done for you while your lamp is burning during your ritual. Ordering the lamp and reading combined offers you an excellent value! For even more value, you may choose to get a total service package of a 15 minute tarot reading, lamp burning ritual, and a Pendulum of Ogoun reading. Please check out Sister Bridget's Page for complete information and ordering instructions.
Best of luck to all of you - may the Light of Ogoun shine for each and every one of you!