"Adopt the pace of nature: Her secret is patience."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hey there!
Because I knew if I titled this post "Patience" no one would read it!
Really :-) This is a topic I address with almost every client at one time or another. And it is PERFECTLY understandable to find waiting difficult. I totally get it. I have been there. We have paid our money, we have done the work, we have already been waiting a minute or two, and well, we want what we asked for and we would like it now, please. It is no help that we live in a world full of instant downloads, video on demand, 30 minute pizza delivery and microwaveable everything. We are slowly becoming conditioned to forget how to comfortably wait for things.
Spell work, on the other hand, knows not of Domino's and iTunes. It is a process, an Art, which requires time and patience. Time to be completed and Patience to unfold.
I came across this article - Patience, the art of intelligent waiting - and wanted to share it. I like that is talks about how impatience makes us feel - and how intelligent waiting can help us feel better. I like that it gives practical steps on how to develop more patience in all areas of our lives. I hope you find a few gems in this article for yourself :-)
Sister Bridget