I seem to be in the mood for things that come out of the ground :-) Maybe its because the weather is turning, and I am spending more time indoors. I do find myself looking more and more at my ever growing box of crystals. I have had an affinity for a select few lately so I looked them up. Turns out they are each a stone said to be connected with the Angels and the spirit realm (of course!) The first stone is a very pretty blue known as Angelite :
Angelite is a stone of Intuition, Communication, and the Higher Self. It works best with the upper chakras (Throat, Third Eye and Crown). Looking at the lovely blue color, we can see its connection to and support of the throat chakra right off J Angelite is very good at helping people speak their truth, when they would otherwise have difficulty. It can help the wearer facilitate communication in relationships and groups, and can be very helpful in both the workplace and personal settings
in this regard. Also, as the name suggests, Angelite has a connection to the higher realms, facilitating angelic and spiritual communication. For these reasons, Angelite is sometimes referred to as the “Messenger Stone”. Holding a piece in your hand during meditation can help both increase and clarify the guidance that is received.
It is a very soothing, peaceful, and uplifting stone quite helpful during times of transition. It is a stone that carries great compassion within it. This quality makes it a wonderful stone to aid the carrier with issues of forgiveness. Angelite is one of a group of higher vibrational crystals that can assist in smoothing the way for vibrational shifts, awareness and ascension. Angelite heals and clears the Throat, Third-Eye, and Crown Chakra, and sends energy to the Soul Star Chakra that lies 6 inches above the head. The higher vibrations sent to these chakras allows for greater spiritual growth, enhanced intuition, and clearer communication. Angelite’s ability to unblock the upper chakras clears the area to allow for the influx of higher vibrational information coming into the auric field, to be processed by the lower chakras. Angelite can be used during meditation to enhance the meditative state, and to clarify issues in one's current situations as they arise. By depositing inspiration from guides, guardians and/or angels into the chakras, Angelite allows them to be integrated into the whole, even after one is done working with the stone.
Angelite is a fairly soft and porous stone. Be careful not to get it too wet (do not submerge it in water). Avoid the use of salt water or strong chemicals for cleansing. If you feel the need to cleanse the stone, leave it out in the moonlight on a bright night, or wrap it in a sturdy cloth and bury it in the Earth for 24 hours.
Sister Bridget