Hey there
A few weeks ago, Mambo Sam announced a very special offering of a unique potion. Fet Ghede Potion was made by Mambo, Parran, myself and a few special members of our Voodoo House. You can read the details about the potion and the process here, of course, but I mostly wanted to relay my experiences with the potion, and hope others will join in as well :-)
I started using my bottle a bit last week. As with everything Mambo Sam makes, this stuff is simply awesome in power and vibration! I have used the potion in a bit of candlework, some doll work, and with my meditations and prayers. I have to say, my experiences meditating while wearing just a drop of this potion are amazing. There are times when I have much difficulty quieting my mind to meditate - I have not had that problem when I use this potion. I sometimes have a little trouble remembering specific guidance I get during meditation - again, not so when I have used this potion. My meditations are much more clear, peaceful, and I want to use the word "vibrant" here. Now, that may not make much sense as far as meditating goes to some of you, but that is the best word I have to describe what I am experiencing. Really Amazing.
I hope some of you who already have some of this wonderful stuff will chime in with your experiences too!
For those of you who are still considering getting yourself a bottle, remember supplies are limited! (Well, at least until next Fet Ghede). If you have any questions about the potion use, the potion does some with full instructions, as well as a free 10 minute consult with Mambo Sam for any questions you may have.
Hope to see your feedback soon!
Sister Bridget