Hi there!
Now that it is officially warm here in the Northeast, I have been able to spend some periods of time outdoors with the trees, one of my favorite things to do. I have a brief, rather unofficial ritual I do when I sitting with a tree. I find sitting quietly with a tree is a very powerful way for me to connect with the enviornment and also feel closer to Gran Bwa. There is no real right or wrong way to do this- I present these steps as a general guide that works well for me :-)
Go for a walk in the woods or a park, or even your own yard. Be sure this is someplace you feel safe and *are* safe. Look at the different trees, quiet your mind, tune into them. You will find that different trees have different personalities! Some will feel warm and inviting, others may not be receptive to having company that day :-) Some may feel strong, some happy and upbeat, others not so much.
When you feel attracted to a tree, move in towards it. Spend a few minutes getting to know the tree- look at its shape, its foliage, the shape and texture of the bark, the roots. Unfocus your eyes and look for the tree's aura. Using the palm of your nondominant hand, sweep around the tree and see if you can feel how far it's energy extends. Make an energetic connection with the tree. How does it feel? Take a bit of foliage, feel it's texture, notice it's scent, temperature, shape and size.
Open your mind and your heart, and ask the tree if you can sit with it for a while. I very rarely have a tree say "No" but it is always polite to ask permission! If the answer is "Yes", walk around the tree once and pick a comfortable place to sit. Before sitting down, place your hands on the trunk and take three deep breaths. You may feel guided to give the tree a hug! Go right ahead :-) Take a few moments and strengthen your connection with your new friend.
When you are ready, sit down in your comfortable spot with your back up against the trunk of the tree. Clear your mind and just be with the tree. Open yourself to guidance from the tree. Be relaxed, breathe slowly and deeply. Be present. Feel the trunk of the tree against your back. Feel the warmth of the soil beneath you. If some intrusive thoughts pop into your mind, place them in a cloud and let them float away. Remain quiet and peaceful for as long as you like. Be with the tree.
When you are feeling ready, "talk" with the tree. If you have questions about the tree or the land, ask, sit quietly and wait for a response! If you have an issue or concern that you need guidance on, pose a question and again, sit quietly and see what comes to you.
When you feel you are ready to close, stand back up and place your hands on the trunk as you did before sitting. Again, if you feel guided to hug the tree, please do! Thank the tree from your heart for its time and attention, for any guidance it may have relayed, and for its contribution to the environment.
Light and Love
Sister Bridget