The first full moon of Spring is upon us! Look for it in the
sky April 9 & 10, 2009! The April full moon is also known as the Pink Full
Moon, as it marks the appearance of the grass pink, or wild ground phlox—one of
the first spring flowers. Native Americans of the northern and eastern part of
the United States tracked the seasons by giving a unique name to each of the
full moons. This name was for the entire month that the full moon
occurred in. The name of the full moon and variations of its name was used
by the Algonquin Indian tribes from New England to Lake Superior.It is also
known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon. Coastal
tribes called this moon the Fish Moon, because it was this time of year that
shad began their upstream climg to their spawning grounds. Here is a short
video about how this “Pink Moon” got its name.
This moon is also known as the Seed Moon. The energies
around this moon are ones of fertility, growth and inner wisdom. We are
encouraged to be bold at this time; to take action on things we have been putting
off all Winter. Spring has arrived, as has its energy for new starts and new
Tonight’s full moon shines near the star Spica, the
brightest light in the constellation Virgo. The first full moon to follow the
March equinox faithfully shines in front of Virgo, the harvest goddess, to
signal the change of seasons.
The Christian celebration of Easter falls on the first
Sunday after the first full moon of the northern hemisphere spring. So
tonight’s Easter Moon heralds the coming of Easter Sunday.
FULL MOON by Lee Emmett (Australia)
in smoky-silk, milky-mist sea
full moon beauty gazes around
wearing lilac-veil she sails aloft
worldly domain without sound
dark arms of eucalyptus caress
cool-spirited fairies of mid-night
bathing in droplets on silver-sheen
forest-leaves; forms magical sight
Celebrate this time to begin welcoming in Spring! Clean out your birdhouses, refill those bird feeders, go shopping in your favorite seed catalogs ;-) Light a green candle for Gran Bwa and ask for his blessings in the coming time of sun and lush grass and thick forests. Now would be a wonderful time to do a simple Lwa honoring ritual for Gran Bwa as well.
This is also a great time to air out your house with a lovely Marie Laveau Clean Sweep House Blessing kit. Spiritual spring cleaning at its best ;-)
Spring is arriving and it is time to celebrate!
Light and Love
Sister Bridget