Hi There!
Earlier in the year, I posted about Personal Mission Statements. Basically, this is a paragraph of about 3 to 5 sentences, that reflects your core beliefs and goals for your life. Think of your mission statement as a living, breathing entity, that will change and grow as you change and grow nd discover new things about yourself along your life's path. This is hardly something that is written in stone, but a work in progress, just as we are works in progress ;-) Below are some general guidelines to help get you started:
1. Focus on the positive! Write your phrases as what you want to be , not about what you don't want to be. If you find you have written something negative, rephrase it in a positive manner.
2. Think about the qualities, actions, characteristics and habits that you have in you that you admire, or that you would like to strive towards.
Create a mission statement that will guide you in your
day-to-day actions and decisions. Make it a part of your
everyday life.
4.Think about how your mission statement effects every area of your life - relationships, career, family, financial. Your mission statement is meant to bring balance into your life, and should positively effect every area of your life.
5. Be sure to include an emotional component! Describe positively how you want to FEEL inside about your self and your life!
6. Start with an affirmative word like "I will...." or "I am....."
7. Take as much time as you need. Life is not a sprint, but a marathon. Take some time in thoughtful reflection about who you are and where you are and what your goals are.
Here are some phrases that you could possibly use to help you get started:
"I will live each day with ...[ fill in the blank ]... so that ...[what is your goal]. I will do this by ...(put specific habits or behaviors here]."
"I am known by ...[ people in your life ]... as someone who is ...[fill in the blank]...; "
Sooooo......give it a ripple, and if you like, post your statement in the comments section of this blog, and we can all work on them together, and help each other out.
Light and Love
Sister Bridget