Thank you all for your great comments last week. Sorry this is a little late....I was busy this weekend learning the new chat system, and time just got away from me ;-) My apologies.
Soooooo, drumroll, please...... the winner of this weeks 5 card / 1 question reading is AB! Congrats, AB! Just shoot me an email with your question and I'll get to it as soon as I can.
For this weeks Card of the Week....... a third and final card from Caroline Myss' Wisdom for Healing deck:
Appreciate Everything
Today's lesson: On this day, affirm "My life is perfect." Appreciate everything and everyone in your life without doubt or expectations, Your goal: to learn that the way to set change in motion is to bless and feel grateful for even the most difficult parts of your life.
Let me hear some heartfelt comments about Gratitude, even for the trials in our lives.
Have a great week.
Light and Love,
Sister Bridget